Wednesday, June 12, 2013

[magento] get class methods for load() of mage::getModel(catelog/product)

$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
    [0] => getStoreId
    [1] => getResourceCollection
    [2] => getUrlModel
    [3] => validate
    [4] => getName
    [5] => getPrice
    [6] => setPriceCalculation
    [7] => getTypeId
    [8] => getStatus
    [9] => getTypeInstance
    [10] => setTypeInstance
    [11] => getLinkInstance
    [12] => getIdBySku
    [13] => getCategoryId
    [14] => getCategory
    [15] => setCategoryIds
    [16] => getCategoryIds
    [17] => getCategoryCollection
    [18] => getWebsiteIds
    [19] => getStoreIds
    [20] => getAttributes
    [21] => canAffectOptions
    [22] => cleanCache
    [23] => getPriceModel
    [24] => getGroupPrice
    [25] => getTierPrice
    [26] => getTierPriceCount
    [27] => getFormatedTierPrice
    [28] => getFormatedPrice
    [29] => setFinalPrice
    [30] => getFinalPrice
    [31] => getCalculatedFinalPrice
    [32] => getMinimalPrice
    [33] => getSpecialPrice
    [34] => getSpecialFromDate
    [35] => getSpecialToDate
    [36] => getRelatedProducts
    [37] => getRelatedProductIds
    [38] => getRelatedProductCollection
    [39] => getRelatedLinkCollection
    [40] => getUpSellProducts
    [41] => getUpSellProductIds
    [42] => getUpSellProductCollection
    [43] => getUpSellLinkCollection
    [44] => getCrossSellProducts
    [45] => getCrossSellProductIds
    [46] => getCrossSellProductCollection
    [47] => getCrossSellLinkCollection
    [48] => getGroupedLinkCollection
    [49] => getMediaAttributes
    [50] => getMediaGalleryImages
    [51] => addImageToMediaGallery
    [52] => getMediaConfig
    [53] => duplicate
    [54] => isSuperGroup
    [55] => isSuperConfig
    [56] => isGrouped
    [57] => isConfigurable
    [58] => isSuper
    [59] => getVisibleInCatalogStatuses
    [60] => getVisibleStatuses
    [61] => isVisibleInCatalog
    [62] => getVisibleInSiteVisibilities
    [63] => isVisibleInSiteVisibility
    [64] => isDuplicable
    [65] => setIsDuplicable
    [66] => isSalable
    [67] => isAvailable
    [68] => getIsSalable
    [69] => isVirtual
    [70] => isRecurring
    [71] => isSaleable
    [72] => isInStock
    [73] => getAttributeText
    [74] => getCustomDesignDate
    [75] => getProductUrl
    [76] => getUrlInStore
    [77] => formatUrlKey
    [78] => getUrlPath
    [79] => addAttributeUpdate
    [80] => toArray
    [81] => fromArray
    [82] => loadParentProductIds
    [83] => delete
    [84] => getRequestPath
    [85] => getGiftMessageAvailable
    [86] => getRatingSummary
    [87] => isComposite
    [88] => canConfigure
    [89] => getSku
    [90] => getWeight
    [91] => getOptionInstance
    [92] => getProductOptionsCollection
    [93] => addOption
    [94] => getOptionById
    [95] => getOptions
    [96] => getIsVirtual
    [97] => addCustomOption
    [98] => setCustomOptions
    [99] => getCustomOptions
    [100] => getCustomOption
    [101] => hasCustomOptions
    [102] => canBeShowInCategory
    [103] => getAvailableInCategories
    [104] => getDefaultAttributeSetId
    [105] => getImageUrl
    [106] => getSmallImageUrl
    [107] => getThumbnailUrl
    [108] => getReservedAttributes
    [109] => isReservedAttribute
    [110] => setOrigData
    [111] => reset
    [112] => getCacheIdTags
    [113] => isProductsHasSku
    [114] => processBuyRequest
    [115] => getPreconfiguredValues
    [116] => prepareCustomOptions
    [117] => getProductEntitiesInfo
    [118] => isDisabled
    [119] => lockAttribute
    [120] => unlockAttribute
    [121] => unlockAttributes
    [122] => getLockedAttributes
    [123] => hasLockedAttributes
    [124] => isLockedAttribute
    [125] => setData
    [126] => unsetData
    [127] => loadByAttribute
    [128] => getStore
    [129] => getWebsiteStoreIds
    [130] => setAttributeDefaultValue
    [131] => getAttributeDefaultValue
    [132] => setExistsStoreValueFlag
    [133] => getExistsStoreValueFlag
    [134] => isDeleteable
    [135] => setIsDeleteable
    [136] => isReadonly
    [137] => setIsReadonly
    [138] => getIdFieldName
    [139] => getId
    [140] => setId
    [141] => getResourceName
    [142] => getCollection
    [143] => load
    [144] => afterLoad
    [145] => save
    [146] => afterCommitCallback
    [147] => isObjectNew
    [148] => getCacheTags
    [149] => cleanModelCache
    [150] => getResource
    [151] => getEntityId
    [152] => clearInstance
    [153] => __construct
    [154] => isDeleted
    [155] => hasDataChanges
    [156] => setIdFieldName
    [157] => addData
    [158] => unsetOldData
    [159] => getData
    [160] => setDataUsingMethod
    [161] => getDataUsingMethod
    [162] => getDataSetDefault
    [163] => hasData
    [164] => __toArray
    [165] => toXml
    [166] => toJson
    [167] => toString
    [168] => __call
    [169] => __get
    [170] => __set
    [171] => isEmpty
    [172] => serialize
    [173] => getOrigData
    [174] => dataHasChangedFor
    [175] => setDataChanges
    [176] => debug
    [177] => offsetSet
    [178] => offsetExists
    [179] => offsetUnset
    [180] => offsetGet
    [181] => isDirty
    [182] => flagDirty

consider above script
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load();//->addAttributeToFilter('sku', array('eq' => 'AKE:ACT336'));
    [0] => getPrice
    [1] => getBasePrice
    [2] => getFinalPrice
    [3] => getChildFinalPrice
    [4] => getGroupPrice
    [5] => getTierPrice
    [6] => getTierPriceCount
    [7] => getFormatedTierPrice
    [8] => getFormatedPrice
    [9] => calculatePrice
    [10] => calculateSpecialPrice
    [11] => isTierPriceFixed
    [12] => isGroupPriceFixed

Friday, June 07, 2013

[magento] getCollection()-method

grouped_products = Mage::getModel('Catalog/Product')->getCollection();

print_r(get_class_methods($grouped_products)) ;

    [0] => getCatalogPreparedSelect
    [1] => getPriceExpression
    [2] => getAdditionalPriceExpression
    [3] => getCurrencyRate
    [4] => getFlatHelper
    [5] => isEnabledFlat
    [6] => getNewEmptyItem
    [7] => setEntity
    [8] => setStore
    [9] => _loadAttributes
    [10] => addAttributeToSelect
    [11] => addIdFilter
    [12] => addWebsiteNamesToResult
    [13] => addStoreFilter
    [14] => addWebsiteFilter
    [15] => getLimitationFilters
    [16] => addCategoryFilter
    [17] => joinMinimalPrice
    [18] => getMaxAttributeValue
    [19] => getAttributeValueCountByRange
    [20] => getAttributeValueCount
    [21] => getAllAttributeValues
    [22] => getSelectCountSql
    [23] => getAllIds
    [24] => getProductCountSelect
    [25] => unsProductCountSelect
    [26] => addCountToCategories
    [27] => getSetIds
    [28] => getProductTypeIds
    [29] => joinUrlRewrite
    [30] => addUrlRewrite
    [31] => addMinimalPrice
    [32] => addFinalPrice
    [33] => getAllIdsCache
    [34] => setAllIdsCache
    [35] => addPriceData
    [36] => addAttributeToFilter
    [37] => addTaxPercents
    [38] => requireTaxPercent
    [39] => addOptionsToResult
    [40] => addFilterByRequiredOptions
    [41] => setVisibility
    [42] => addAttributeToSort
    [43] => applyFrontendPriceLimitations
    [44] => addCategoryIds
    [45] => addTierPriceData
    [46] => addPriceDataFieldFilter
    [47] => clear
    [48] => setOrder
    [49] => getMaxPrice
    [50] => getMinPrice
    [51] => getPriceStandardDeviation
    [52] => getPricesCount
    [53] => setStoreId
    [54] => getStoreId
    [55] => getDefaultStoreId
    [56] => __construct
    [57] => getTable
    [58] => getEntity
    [59] => getResource
    [60] => setObject
    [61] => addItem
    [62] => getAttribute
    [63] => addFieldToFilter
    [64] => addEntityTypeToSelect
    [65] => addStaticField
    [66] => addExpressionAttributeToSelect
    [67] => groupByAttribute
    [68] => joinAttribute
    [69] => joinField
    [70] => joinTable
    [71] => removeAttributeToSelect
    [72] => setPage
    [73] => load
    [74] => getAllIdsSql
    [75] => save
    [76] => delete
    [77] => importFromArray
    [78] => exportToArray
    [79] => getRowIdFieldName
    [80] => setRowIdFieldName
    [81] => _loadEntities
    [82] => toArray
    [83] => getLoadedIds
    [84] => _prepareSelect
    [85] => addBindParam
    [86] => initCache
    [87] => getIdFieldName
    [88] => setConnection
    [89] => getSelect
    [90] => getConnection
    [91] => getSize
    [92] => getSelectSql
    [93] => addOrder
    [94] => unshiftOrder
    [95] => distinct
    [96] => fetchItem
    [97] => getData
    [98] => resetData
    [99] => loadData
    [100] => printLogQuery
    [101] => addFilterToMap
    [102] => addFilter
    [103] => getFilter
    [104] => isLoaded
    [105] => getCurPage
    [106] => getLastPageNumber
    [107] => getPageSize
    [108] => getFirstItem
    [109] => getLastItem
    [110] => getItems
    [111] => getColumnValues
    [112] => getItemsByColumnValue
    [113] => getItemByColumnValue
    [114] => removeItemByKey
    [115] => walk
    [116] => each
    [117] => setDataToAll
    [118] => setCurPage
    [119] => setPageSize
    [120] => setItemObjectClass
    [121] => toXml
    [122] => toOptionArray
    [123] => toOptionHash
    [124] => getItemById
    [125] => getIterator
    [126] => count
    [127] => setCacheKey
    [128] => getCacheKey
    [129] => setCacheTags
    [130] => getCacheTags
    [131] => getCacheLifetime
    [132] => getFlag
    [133] => setFlag
    [134] => hasFlag

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

[magento] mage class getModel

$grouped_products = Mage::getModel('Catalog/Product')->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter('visibility', array('eq' => 4));

    [0] => getCatalogPreparedSelect
    [1] => getPriceExpression
    [2] => getAdditionalPriceExpression
    [3] => getCurrencyRate
    [4] => getFlatHelper
    [5] => isEnabledFlat
    [6] => getNewEmptyItem
    [7] => setEntity
    [8] => setStore
    [9] => _loadAttributes
    [10] => addAttributeToSelect
    [11] => addIdFilter
    [12] => addWebsiteNamesToResult
    [13] => addStoreFilter
    [14] => addWebsiteFilter
    [15] => getLimitationFilters
    [16] => addCategoryFilter
    [17] => joinMinimalPrice
    [18] => getMaxAttributeValue
    [19] => getAttributeValueCountByRange
    [20] => getAttributeValueCount
    [21] => getAllAttributeValues
    [22] => getSelectCountSql
    [23] => getAllIds
    [24] => getProductCountSelect
    [25] => unsProductCountSelect
    [26] => addCountToCategories
    [27] => getSetIds
    [28] => getProductTypeIds
    [29] => joinUrlRewrite
    [30] => addUrlRewrite
    [31] => addMinimalPrice
    [32] => addFinalPrice
    [33] => getAllIdsCache
    [34] => setAllIdsCache
    [35] => addPriceData
    [36] => addAttributeToFilter
    [37] => addTaxPercents
    [38] => requireTaxPercent
    [39] => addOptionsToResult
    [40] => addFilterByRequiredOptions
    [41] => setVisibility
    [42] => addAttributeToSort
    [43] => applyFrontendPriceLimitations
    [44] => addCategoryIds
    [45] => addTierPriceData
    [46] => addPriceDataFieldFilter
    [47] => clear
    [48] => setOrder
    [49] => getMaxPrice
    [50] => getMinPrice
    [51] => getPriceStandardDeviation
    [52] => getPricesCount
    [53] => setStoreId
    [54] => getStoreId
    [55] => getDefaultStoreId    
    [55] => getDefaultStoreId
    [56] => __construct
    [57] => getTable
    [58] => getEntity
    [59] => getResource
    [60] => setObject
    [61] => addItem
    [62] => getAttribute
    [63] => addFieldToFilter
    [64] => addEntityTypeToSelect
    [65] => addStaticField
    [66] => addExpressionAttributeToSelect
    [67] => groupByAttribute
    [68] => joinAttribute
    [69] => joinField
    [70] => joinTable
    [71] => removeAttributeToSelect
    [72] => setPage
    [73] => load
    [74] => getAllIdsSql
    [75] => save
    [76] => delete
    [77] => importFromArray
    [78] => exportToArray
    [79] => getRowIdFieldName
    [80] => setRowIdFieldName
    [81] => _loadEntities
    [82] => toArray
    [83] => getLoadedIds
    [84] => _prepareSelect
    [85] => addBindParam
    [86] => initCache
    [87] => getIdFieldName
    [88] => setConnection
    [89] => getSelect
    [90] => getConnection
    [91] => getSize
    [92] => getSelectSql
    [93] => addOrder
    [94] => unshiftOrder
    [95] => distinct
    [96] => fetchItem
    [97] => getData
    [98] => resetData
    [99] => loadData
    [100] => printLogQuery
    [101] => addFilterToMap
    [102] => addFilter
    [103] => getFilter
    [104] => isLoaded
    [105] => getCurPage
    [106] => getLastPageNumber
    [107] => getPageSize
    [108] => getFirstItem
    [109] => getLastItem
    [110] => getItems
    [111] => getColumnValues
    [112] => getItemsByColumnValue
    [113] => getItemByColumnValue 
    [114] => removeItemByKey
    [115] => walk
    [116] => each    
    [117] => setDataToAll
    [118] => setCurPage
    [119] => setPageSize
    [120] => setItemObjectClass
    [121] => toXml
    [122] => toOptionArray
    [123] => toOptionHash
    [124] => getItemById
    [125] => getIterator
    [126] => count
    [127] => setCacheKey
    [128] => getCacheKey
    [129] => setCacheTags
    [130] => getCacheTags
    [131] => getCacheLifetime
    [132] => getFlag
    [133] => setFlag
    [134] => hasFlag

considered above instance.put it in foreach loop like following.
foreach($grouped_products as $grouped_product)
    [0] => getStoreId
    [1] => getResourceCollection
    [2] => getUrlModel
    [3] => validate
    [4] => getName
    [5] => getPrice
    [6] => setPriceCalculation
    [7] => getTypeId
    [8] => getStatus
    [9] => getTypeInstance
    [10] => setTypeInstance
    [11] => getLinkInstance
    [12] => getIdBySku
    [13] => getCategoryId
    [14] => getCategory
    [15] => setCategoryIds
    [16] => getCategoryIds
    [17] => getCategoryCollection
    [18] => getWebsiteIds
    [19] => getStoreIds
    [20] => getAttributes
    [21] => canAffectOptions
    [22] => cleanCache
    [23] => getPriceModel
    [24] => getGroupPrice
    [25] => getTierPrice
    [26] => getTierPriceCount
    [27] => getFormatedTierPrice
    [28] => getFormatedPrice
    [29] => setFinalPrice
    [30] => getFinalPrice
    [31] => getCalculatedFinalPrice
    [32] => getMinimalPrice
    [33] => getSpecialPrice
    [34] => getSpecialFromDate
    [35] => getSpecialToDate
    [36] => getRelatedProducts
    [37] => getRelatedProductIds
    [38] => getRelatedProductCollection
    [39] => getRelatedLinkCollection
    [40] => getUpSellProducts
    [41] => getUpSellProductIds
    [42] => getUpSellProductCollection
    [43] => getUpSellLinkCollection
    [44] => getCrossSellProducts
    [45] => getCrossSellProductIds
    [46] => getCrossSellProductCollection
    [47] => getCrossSellLinkCollection
    [48] => getGroupedLinkCollection
    [49] => getMediaAttributes
    [50] => getMediaGalleryImages
    [51] => addImageToMediaGallery
    [52] => getMediaConfig
    [53] => duplicate
    [54] => isSuperGroup
    [55] => isSuperConfig
    [56] => isGrouped
    [57] => isConfigurable
    [58] => isSuper
    [59] => getVisibleInCatalogStatuses
    [60] => getVisibleStatuses
    [61] => isVisibleInCatalog
    [62] => getVisibleInSiteVisibilities
    [63] => isVisibleInSiteVisibility
    [64] => isDuplicable
    [65] => setIsDuplicable
    [66] => isSalable
    [67] => isAvailable
    [68] => getIsSalable
    [69] => isVirtual
    [70] => isRecurring
    [71] => isSaleable
    [72] => isInStock
    [73] => getAttributeText
    [74] => getCustomDesignDate
    [75] => getProductUrl
    [76] => getUrlInStore
    [77] => formatUrlKey
    [78] => getUrlPath
    [79] => addAttributeUpdate
    [80] => toArray
    [81] => fromArray
    [82] => loadParentProductIds
    [83] => delete
    [84] => getRequestPath
    [85] => getGiftMessageAvailable
    [86] => getRatingSummary
    [87] => isComposite
    [88] => canConfigure
    [89] => getSku
    [90] => getWeight
    [91] => getOptionInstance
    [92] => getProductOptionsCollection
    [93] => addOption
    [94] => getOptionById
    [95] => getOptions
    [96] => getIsVirtual
    [97] => addCustomOption
    [98] => setCustomOptions
    [99] => getCustomOptions
    [100] => getCustomOption
    [101] => hasCustomOptions
    [102] => canBeShowInCategory
    [103] => getAvailableInCategories
    [104] => getDefaultAttributeSetId
    [105] => getImageUrl
    [106] => getSmallImageUrl
    [107] => getThumbnailUrl
    [108] => getReservedAttributes
    [109] => isReservedAttribute
    [110] => setOrigData
    [111] => reset
    [112] => getCacheIdTags
    [113] => isProductsHasSku
    [114] => processBuyRequest
    [115] => getPreconfiguredValues
    [116] => prepareCustomOptions
    [117] => getProductEntitiesInfo
    [118] => isDisabled
    [119] => lockAttribute
    [120] => unlockAttribute
    [121] => unlockAttributes
    [122] => getLockedAttributes
    [123] => hasLockedAttributes
    [124] => isLockedAttribute
    [125] => setData
    [126] => unsetData
    [127] => loadByAttribute
    [128] => getStore
    [129] => getWebsiteStoreIds
    [130] => setAttributeDefaultValue
    [131] => getAttributeDefaultValue
    [132] => setExistsStoreValueFlag
    [133] => getExistsStoreValueFlag
    [134] => isDeleteable
    [135] => setIsDeleteable
    [136] => isReadonly
    [137] => setIsReadonly
    [138] => getIdFieldName
    [139] => getId
    [140] => setId
    [141] => getResourceName
    [142] => getCollection
    [143] => load
    [144] => afterLoad
    [145] => save
    [146] => afterCommitCallback
    [147] => isObjectNew
    [148] => getCacheTags
    [149] => cleanModelCache
    [150] => getResource
    [151] => getEntityId
    [152] => clearInstance
    [153] => __construct
    [154] => isDeleted
    [155] => hasDataChanges
    [156] => setIdFieldName
    [157] => addData
    [158] => unsetOldData
    [159] => getData
    [160] => setDataUsingMethod
    [161] => getDataUsingMethod
    [162] => getDataSetDefault
    [163] => hasData
    [164] => __toArray
    [165] => toXml
    [166] => toJson
    [167] => toString
    [168] => __call
    [169] => __get
    [170] => __set
    [171] => isEmpty
    [172] => serialize
    [173] => getOrigData
    [174] => dataHasChangedFor
    [175] => setDataChanges
    [176] => debug
    [177] => offsetSet
    [178] => offsetExists
    [179] => offsetUnset
    [180] => offsetGet
    [181] => isDirty
    [182] => flagDirty

considered above instance.put it in foreach loop like following.
$sigle_product_ids = $grouped_product->getTypeInstance(true);
    [0] => getRelationInfo
    [1] => getChildrenIds
    [2] => getParentIdsByChild
    [3] => getAssociatedProducts
    [4] => addStatusFilter
    [5] => setSaleableStatus
    [6] => getStatusFilters
    [7] => getAssociatedProductIds
    [8] => getAssociatedProductCollection
    [9] => isSalable
    [10] => save
    [11] => getProductsToPurchaseByReqGroups
    [12] => processBuyRequest
    [13] => setProduct
    [14] => setTypeId
    [15] => getProduct
    [16] => getSetAttributes
    [17] => attributesCompare
    [18] => getEditableAttributes
    [19] => getAttributeById
    [20] => isVirtual
    [21] => processConfiguration
    [22] => prepareForCartAdvanced
    [23] => prepareForCart
    [24] => processFileQueue
    [25] => addFileQueue
    [26] => getSpecifyOptionMessage
    [27] => checkProductBuyState
    [28] => getOrderOptions
    [29] => beforeSave
    [30] => isComposite
    [31] => canConfigure
    [32] => canUseQtyDecimals
    [33] => getSku
    [34] => getOptionSku
    [35] => getWeight
    [36] => hasOptions
    [37] => updateQtyOption
    [38] => hasRequiredOptions
    [39] => getStoreFilter
    [40] => setStoreFilter
    [41] => getForceChildItemQtyChanges
    [42] => prepareQuoteItemQty
    [43] => assignProductToOption
    [44] => setConfig
    [45] => getSearchableData
    [46] => checkProductConfiguration
    [47] => isMapEnabledInOptions

$products = Mage::getModel('Catalog/Product')->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter('sku',array('eq',$result_item2['sku']));
foreach($products as $item)

    [0] => getStoreId
    [1] => getResourceCollection
    [2] => getUrlModel
    [3] => validate
    [4] => getName
    [5] => getPrice
    [6] => setPriceCalculation
    [7] => getTypeId
    [8] => getStatus
    [9] => getTypeInstance
    [10] => setTypeInstance
    [11] => getLinkInstance
    [12] => getIdBySku
    [13] => getCategoryId
    [14] => getCategory
    [15] => setCategoryIds
    [16] => getCategoryIds
    [17] => getCategoryCollection
    [18] => getWebsiteIds
    [19] => getStoreIds
    [20] => getAttributes
    [21] => canAffectOptions
    [22] => cleanCache
    [23] => getPriceModel
    [24] => getGroupPrice
    [25] => getTierPrice
    [26] => getTierPriceCount
    [27] => getFormatedTierPrice
    [28] => getFormatedPrice
    [29] => setFinalPrice
    [30] => getFinalPrice
    [31] => getCalculatedFinalPrice
    [32] => getMinimalPrice
    [33] => getSpecialPrice
    [34] => getSpecialFromDate
    [35] => getSpecialToDate
    [36] => getRelatedProducts
    [37] => getRelatedProductIds
    [38] => getRelatedProductCollection
    [39] => getRelatedLinkCollection
    [40] => getUpSellProducts
    [41] => getUpSellProductIds
    [42] => getUpSellProductCollection
    [43] => getUpSellLinkCollection
    [44] => getCrossSellProducts
    [45] => getCrossSellProductIds
    [46] => getCrossSellProductCollection
    [47] => getCrossSellLinkCollection
    [48] => getGroupedLinkCollection
    [49] => getMediaAttributes
    [50] => getMediaGalleryImages
    [51] => addImageToMediaGallery
    [52] => getMediaConfig
    [53] => duplicate
    [54] => isSuperGroup
    [55] => isSuperConfig
    [56] => isGrouped
    [57] => isConfigurable
    [58] => isSuper
    [59] => getVisibleInCatalogStatuses
    [60] => getVisibleStatuses
    [61] => isVisibleInCatalog
    [62] => getVisibleInSiteVisibilities
    [63] => isVisibleInSiteVisibility
    [64] => isDuplicable
    [65] => setIsDuplicable
    [66] => isSalable
    [67] => isAvailable
    [68] => getIsSalable
    [69] => isVirtual
    [70] => isRecurring
    [71] => isSaleable
    [72] => isInStock
    [73] => getAttributeText
    [74] => getCustomDesignDate
    [75] => getProductUrl
    [76] => getUrlInStore
    [77] => formatUrlKey
    [78] => getUrlPath
    [79] => addAttributeUpdate
    [80] => toArray
    [81] => fromArray
    [82] => loadParentProductIds
    [83] => delete
    [84] => getRequestPath
    [85] => getGiftMessageAvailable
    [86] => getRatingSummary
    [87] => isComposite
    [88] => canConfigure
    [89] => getSku
    [90] => getWeight
    [91] => getOptionInstance
    [92] => getProductOptionsCollection
    [93] => addOption
    [94] => getOptionById
    [95] => getOptions
    [96] => getIsVirtual
    [97] => addCustomOption
    [98] => setCustomOptions
    [99] => getCustomOptions
    [100] => getCustomOption
    [101] => hasCustomOptions
    [102] => canBeShowInCategory
    [103] => getAvailableInCategories
    [104] => getDefaultAttributeSetId
    [105] => getImageUrl
    [106] => getSmallImageUrl
    [107] => getThumbnailUrl
    [108] => getReservedAttributes
    [109] => isReservedAttribute
    [110] => setOrigData
    [111] => reset
    [112] => getCacheIdTags
    [113] => isProductsHasSku
    [114] => processBuyRequest
    [115] => getPreconfiguredValues
    [116] => prepareCustomOptions
    [117] => getProductEntitiesInfo
    [118] => isDisabled
    [119] => lockAttribute
    [120] => unlockAttribute
    [121] => unlockAttributes
    [122] => getLockedAttributes
    [123] => hasLockedAttributes
    [124] => isLockedAttribute
    [125] => setData
    [126] => unsetData
    [127] => loadByAttribute
    [128] => getStore
    [129] => getWebsiteStoreIds
    [130] => setAttributeDefaultValue
    [131] => getAttributeDefaultValue
    [132] => setExistsStoreValueFlag
    [133] => getExistsStoreValueFlag
    [134] => isDeleteable
    [135] => setIsDeleteable
    [136] => isReadonly
    [137] => setIsReadonly
    [138] => getIdFieldName
    [139] => getId
    [140] => setId
    [141] => getResourceName
    [142] => getCollection
    [143] => load
    [144] => afterLoad
    [145] => save
    [146] => afterCommitCallback
    [147] => isObjectNew
    [148] => getCacheTags
    [149] => cleanModelCache
    [150] => getResource
    [151] => getEntityId
    [152] => clearInstance
    [153] => __construct
    [154] => isDeleted
    [155] => hasDataChanges
    [156] => setIdFieldName
    [157] => addData
    [158] => unsetOldData
    [159] => getData
    [160] => setDataUsingMethod
    [161] => getDataUsingMethod
    [162] => getDataSetDefault
    [163] => hasData
    [164] => __toArray
    [165] => toXml
    [166] => toJson
    [167] => toString
    [168] => __call
    [169] => __get
    [170] => __set
    [171] => isEmpty
    [172] => serialize
    [173] => getOrigData
    [174] => dataHasChangedFor
    [175] => setDataChanges
    [176] => debug
    [177] => offsetSet
    [178] => offsetExists
    [179] => offsetUnset
    [180] => offsetGet
    [181] => isDirty
    [182] => flagDirty

[AWS php5-fpm]install php5-fpm ubuntu

system:ubuntu check your folder
only have four folders
  • /cgi
  • /cli
  • /conf.d
  • /mods-available

after execute the following code

sudo apt-get install php5-fpm

a new folder named 'fpm' is added

Saturday, June 01, 2013

[magento]manual-Introduction to Magento



什麼是Magento?他是最強的線上電子商務平台並永遠的改變了電子商務的面貌。 當然,妳已經知道了。妳可能沒有發現到Magento也是一個物件導向的PHP framework,他被用來開發現代化、動態的web application....(誇大的形容詞bla~bla~)。

Magento的MVC結構圖 Magento_MVC.pdf


Magento組織他的單一程式成為分別的模組(Module),在一個典型的PHP model-view-Controller (MVC)應用程式中,所有的Controller將會在一個資料夾,所有的model在另一個,諸如此類。在Magento檔案是基於功能性群組在一起的被稱之為Modules. Magento的code。


舉個例子,妳會找到控制器(Controller), 模型(Models), 協助(helpers), 區塊(blocks)等等,與結帳相關的功能在


你會找到Controller, Models, Helpers, Block 等等,與Magento的google結帳功能相關的功能在



當你想要客製化或是擴展Magento,而不是直接編輯獨立的程式檔,又或甚至配置你新的Controllers, Models, Helpers, Block等到原始Magento code的裡面,你必須創建你自己的Modules


package(也常被稱為 a Namespace)是一個唯一名稱定義了你的公司或是組織名稱,用意是世上每個Mangento的社群成員,為了避免碰撞到其他的使用者的程式,在創建Modules時,都要使用他們自己的Package name

當創建一個新的Model, 你需要去告訴Magneto about it.這是透過新增一個XML檔案到資料夾下去完成的





Packagename_All.xml 附註:他只能被核心團隊使用,同Mage_All.xml




在一個基於慣例的系統,假如你想新增一個Controller或是一個新的Model,你只要創建檔案/類別(file/class), 那系統就會自動抓取

在一個基於設定檔的系統,像是Magento,根據新增檔案/類別到程式庫,你經常需要明確的告訴系統關於新的類別或是新的類別群組,在Magento每個模組有一個檔案名為config.xml,這隻檔案包含全部的Magento 模組的相關設定


舉個例子來說,想要使用Models 在你自定義的Module?你需要新增一些程式碼到config.xml,用來告訴Magento你要使用Models,就像是你的Modles 應該是有的基礎類別名稱


相同的對於Helper, blocks, Routes 和Controller,事件Handlers,與以及其他的。幾乎所有時間你想要塞進系統的,你都需要改變或新增config file


在php系統,主要的進入點存在一個php的檔案。在magento裡面沒有不同,那隻檔案是index.php。 但你永遠不用編寫index.php。在mvc系統裡,index.php將會包含 程式碼/呼叫 去編寫做到以下項目

  1. 監控URL
  2. 基於一系列規則,驅使這些URL進入Contoller的類別與其下一個Action的方法:這動作稱作路由(Routing)
  3. 重新實體化Controller類別與呼叫Actioin方法()

這些意指任意的進入點在Mangento(或是其他基於MVC架構的系統)是一個在Controll file的一個方法


路徑的每個在server name之後的區塊都會被如下的方式解析

前置名稱-catalog(Front name-catalog)

URL的第一部分是被呼叫的front name。這或多或少,告訴magento那一個模組他自己在Controller裡面。在以下的例子,前置名稱就是catalog,他被對應的模組配置


管控者名稱-category(Controller Name-category)

第二部分的URL告訴Magento應該要用的Controller。每一個有Controller的模組有一個特殊的資料夾,名字叫做'controller',它包含了所有,一個模組要用Controllers。以下是一個例子,關於URL部分的cotegory被轉換到Controller file裡面



class Mage_Catalog_CategoryController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action

動作名稱-view(Action Name-view)

第三個在URL的部分是動作名稱。在範例中,這是一個'view'。代表的是被用以創造Action Method。所以再例子'view'將會被送進viewAction

class Mage_Catalog_CategoryController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
    public function viewAction()
        //main entry point